Next Tuesday 14th of March at 12:30 hours, an informative session for undergraduate students interested in studying one of our Masters during the next academic year 2017-18 will be held at the Conference hall located at the "Modulo 0" of the Faculty of Sciences (UAM). Some of the Coordinators of the Masters and the Programme will be there to answer all of your questions. This is a very good opportunity to clarify any doubts you may have about the syllabus of each Master, the admission procedure, requeriments etc. We expect to see you there!

The final dates to apply to one (or several) of the three Masters or the Doctorate of this Programme for the 2017-18 academic year have been already published. Here they are:

One of the sponsors of this Postgraduate Programme in Molecular Biosciences, the Ramon Areces Foundation, organizes a conference in Neurodegenerative diseases that will take place next 7th of February 2017. You can find more information on their website

Se abre el plazo para solicitar las "Becas Guia" para estudiantes de la Union Europea. La beca consiste en un curso de inglés de 4 semanas en San Diego (Estados Unidos), e incluye los vuelos, el alojamiento, la comida, el precio del curso y 500 € para gastos adicionales.

An extraordinary new period to apply for two of the Masters from this Programme (Master in Biomolecules and Cell Dynamics, and Master in Biotechnology) has been opened already. The deadline to apply is September the 3nd. Unfortunately it is NOT possible to apply a second time if you already applied during the first period and your application was denied. This second period is ONLY for NEW applicants. There won't be a second period for the Master in Molecular Biomedicine, and there are absolutely NO guarantees that a second period will be opened the next years.

The provisional list of beneficiaries of the scholarships from this Programme in Molecular Biosciences for the next academic year 2016-17 is already published in the corresponding section of this website (upper menu "Master Studies" -> "Scholarships"). The definitive list will be published in 5 days.

One more year, the 3 Masters of our Postgraduate Programme in Molecular Biosciences are among the top ones in their corresponding categories at the "El Mundo" annual ranking of the Top 250 Masters to follow in Spain.

The call for the "Fundación Ramón Areces"" scholarships to follow one of the three Masters of the Postgraduate Programme in Molecular Biosciences during the next academic year 2016-17 has been already published, and it's available to download from this page.

Please note than the first (and COMPULSORY) step to apply for the scholarship is to request admission to at least one of the Masters of the Programme before the 10th of June 2016. More information regarding this requirement is available on the text on the call.

The call from the "Campus of International Excellence UAM+CSIC" scholarships to follow one of the three Masters of the Postgraduate Programme in Molecular Biosciences during the next academic year 2016-17 has been already published, and it's available to download from this page.

Publicadas la Convocatoria de Contratos predoctorales FPI-UAM 2016, y la Convocatoria de Ayudas para el Fomento de la Investigación en Estudios de Máster-UAM 2016, aprobadas en el Consejo de Gobierno de la UAM del día 6 de mayo de 2016.


- desde las 00:00 horas del día 13 de junio hasta las 23:59 horas del día 28 de junio de 2016.